Parution: 2019.

Ed.: Anne Thurmann-Jajes, Centre for Artistsʼ Publications.
Bremen: Centre for Artistsʼ Publications, Weserburg Museum of Modern Art, 2019
ISBN: 978-3-946059-14-1
848 pages, German/English, with 401 full page illustrations,
29,7 x 21 x 3,3 cm, ca. 2.200 g, € 44,50
Text: Dr. Anne Thurmann-Jajes
Design and layout: Nicolas Pommier, Lyon
Printing and production: Girzig+Gottschalk GmbH, Bremen
This Publication documents the exhibition project Artistsʼ Books for Everything, in the Centre for Artistsʼ Publications, Weserburg Museum of Modern Art., 2.06. – 6.08.2017. The catalogue contains illustrations of 401 artists’ books, sent in response to the international Call for Artists’ Books of the Centre for Artists’ Publications, as well as a completed questionnaire on each book in facsimile.
The project was held in connection with the two-semester seminar Künstlerbücher in Theorie und Praxis at the University of Bremen, Institute of Art Science and Art Education.
The publication was generously funded by Stiftung Kunstfonds.
The publication is available in the Weserburg Museum of Modern Artor can be ordered under, € 44,50, plus postage.
Anne Thurmann-Jajes is director of the Research Centre for Artists’ Publications at the Weserburg – Museum of Modern Art